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Friday, July 8, 2011

Types of Glass - Uroboros

Maybe our favorite glass is made by a company called Uroboros.

Uroboros glass is hand mixed and rolled sheet by sheet, in doing so every sheet of glass they produce is unique.

To see the production process we can recommend a visit to their websitewww.uroboros.com ) and click "about us" and then "video library". A good few minutes spent.

The diversity of color combinations and surface textures makes this glass perfect for lampshades and other items made in the copperfoil (Tiffany) technique.

Typical for Uroborus glass is not only the natural colors but also the balance of transparent and opalescent glass for the field of glass fusing.

Because of the uniqueness of the glass it's best to go to your supplier and pick their glass on a project base. The pictures of Uroboros glass on websites or in catalogues don't do justice to the real splendor and translucency of their product.

Despite this, I'm going to put some pictures of their glass on this page.

Fred Hebing

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